Masih inget ga pelajaran yang nagsih tau kalo Matahari adalah salah satu bintang yang ada di galaksi kita yang luas??? dan bintang-bintang kecil di langit yang biasanya kerlap kerlip katanya mereka juga sama seperti matahari, cuma karena mereka jauh jadi kaya kecil, padahal ukuran mereka sama kaya matahari dan mereka juga memiliki planet-planet yang mengelilinginya.
barusan ga sengaja, sambil duduk di teras lantai atas, ngeliat bintang kecil di langit, trus karena inget yang tadi, jadi kebayang kalo sebenernya di bintang itu ada planet, kemudian ada planet yang dihuni oleh makhluk seperti kita, dan kebayang kalo mereka juga lagi liat bintang kecil di langit mereka, dan bintang itu adalah matahari,
kayanya seru ya kalo bisa pergi ke luar angkasa....
Senin, 27 April 2009
Rabu, 08 April 2009
My Beloved Indonesia,
Tomorrow, will be the first time election with new system. It's our party as civilian, We will determine the destiny of You for five years later, especially for the council.
It's impossible for You having all your civilian to elect their party because one or more things.
Actually I'm so sad, because I cant take a part on time moment.
I will be one of civilian that cant vote tomorrow!
But, I'm sure You will have better destiny!
I'm so sorry for this!
Your Civilian,
Tomorrow, will be the first time election with new system. It's our party as civilian, We will determine the destiny of You for five years later, especially for the council.
It's impossible for You having all your civilian to elect their party because one or more things.
Actually I'm so sad, because I cant take a part on time moment.
I will be one of civilian that cant vote tomorrow!
But, I'm sure You will have better destiny!
I'm so sorry for this!
Your Civilian,
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